Visitors to Georgian Bay and Hall’s Cottages can attest to the beauty surrounding this remarkable part of the world. Tourists and vacationers, however, were not the first to experience the magic of this land. This incredible part of Canada is steeped in history, from the first native settlers living off the land to foreign powers battling for control of the waters. While vacationing at our relaxing Hall’s Cottages, be sure to make some time to learn about this majestic location in a global and historical context. There is so much to learn and appreciate about this land, and there are multiple local organizations that make learning about the region a fun and entertaining activity. Here are a few historical sites to visit while staying at the best cottage vacations Ontario has to offer!
Sainte-Marie Among the Hurons
Nearly four hundred years ago, after Frech explorers reached what we now know as Canada and traveled through the beautiful lands, French Jesuit priests made a settlement which they called Sainte-Marie Among the Hurons. The goal of these missionaries was to educate the native Iroquois and convert them to Catholicism. Eventually, after many attacks by the indigenous population, the Jesuits fled and abandoned the settlement, the ruins of which stood for nearly three hundred years. Today you can visit this original site and witness the remains of the destroyed settlement, located just a half hour away from Hall’s Cottages. Here you can view some of the oldest examples of the Native history and European craftsmanship in North America. This site along the banks of Georgian Bay is now one of the best locations for cottage vacations Ontario has to offer.
Discovery Harbor
Another fantastic Georgian Bay historical experience is located just forty minutes away: Discovery Harbor! This old post was originally a British naval and military base, called “His Majesty’s Naval Establishment on Lake Huron.” In the early 1800s, Discovery harbor was home to nearly 100 British military personnel and over twenty vessels, making the establishment one of the leading forces responsible for protecting Canada from invasion. Get your tickets to Discovery Harbor and view original shipwreck remains, logs and journals from those who lived at the site, and two full-sized replicas of British Naval ships.
Hall’s Cottages
A trip to Hall’s Cottages will provide you with an excellent opportunity to learn a bit more about this majestic land. Take advantage of the crystal clear blue waters of Georgian Bay, and also understand the history of those who came before and lived her. Save a little money and visit both experiences for a great discount! A visit to either experience will give you a half-priced coupon for the other! Call Hall’s Cottages today for the very best cottage vacations Ontario can provide!